We, the parishioners, the community of Holy Trinity Abbey Church, are conscious of the words of St. Paul: “make hospitality your special concern”. We hope you find us, our church and our website a welcoming experience. As a community we seek new ways of reaching out to the people of our parish and beyond, with the good news of God’s love, made known to us in Jesus Christ.
Holy Trinity Abbey Church, Adare, Co. Limerick
Schedule of Masses:
Monday to Friday: 10.00am
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.30am & 11.30am
All Masses can also be viewed on our parish webcam
Parish Office – Lynda O’Mahony
Tel: (061) 396 172 | Email: office@adareparish.ie
Opening Hours:
Monday to Wednesday 9:30am – 4.30pm
Thursday 9.30am – 1.15pm