
Remembrance Mass – St. Nicholas Cemetery

Remembrance Mass in St. Nicholas Cemetery on Monday 26th August 2024 at 7.30pm. We gather in memory of the dead – asking the Lord to welcome to his home our dear departed and to console all those who grieve.


Change of Mass Time

Saturday evening mass will be celebrated at 6pm (as of 18th May 2024).


Baptisms – We are now free to celebrate baptisms again here in Adare with limited numbers attending and according to public health guidelines.  If you are interested, please contact either Rita in the Parish Office 061 396172 or Monsignor Dan Neenan on 087 2208547.

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Persons

ADARE Parish values and encourages the participation of children and persons who may be vulnerable in parish activities.

ADARE Parish wishes to ensure families can have confidence that all of their members are safe and respected, when participating in the life of the Church.  We do this collectively by committing ourselves to good and safe practices in…

Francis Collins – Parish Clerk

Tel: (086) 2265770